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Yes, we are one of the first companies to accept bitcoins payments

Yes, we are one of the first companies to accept bitcoins payments

Bitcoin is a currency based on the "bit" the unit of measurement of computing. It is considered a "virtual" currency, or rather, digital. 

It is exchanged exclusively through computers, is not printed, and does not have a "physical" equivalent but is coined. 

The vast majority of cryptocurrencies remain confined to the digital world in the form of credit cards. In contrast, this cryptocurrency is a virtual or digital currency that takes the form of tokens or "coins". 

It is used as a means of exchange to conduct financial transactions through complex encryption that allows you to generate, store and trade securely and, generally, anonymously a particular digital token. To achieve decentralization, transparency, and immutability, all significant cryptocurrencies leverage blockchain technology.


The blockchain is a data structure shared and an immutable defined chain of blocks. It is a digital register whose entries are grouped in "blocks", concatenated in chronological order and the encryption guarantees its integrity. 

The cryptocurrency is immutable because, as a rule, its content, once written is no longer editable or disposable, although its size is destined to grow over time. 

Another very important feature is the decentralization of the blockchain which does not allow any control by the central authorities. This makes cryptocurrencies immune to the old ways of government control and interference. 

Through the use of private and public keys, cryptocurrencies can be sent directly between two subjects. 

Transfers made are subject to minimum management fees, so that users can pay high fees charged by traditional financial institutions. 

Bitcoin remains open-source, which means that no one has the power to own or control it in its entirety. 


The first Bitcoin (BTC) was introduced on January 3, 2009, by someone known as "Satoshi Nakamoto." Now, Satoshi Nakamoto is recognized as the pseudonym of the person or group of people who created Bitcoin - the invisible figure or figures whose technological creation influenced the world.

Satoshi Nakamoto was already a household name among crypto enthusiasts as computer scientists and hackers long before the Bitcoin boom. Someone had posted on online message boards and corresponded with other developers via email of the same name years earlier.

Satoshi Nakamoto had no intention of inventing a currency. His goal was to develop a peer-to-peer electronic cash system for file sharing.

Months before the mining of the first Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto had published a white paper on a cryptographic mailing list titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. The paper, published on October 31, 2008, outlined a decentralized peer-to-peer protocol that was cryptographically secure.

In the paper, Nakamoto described it as a "purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash that "would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution or any intermediary." 

The first transaction in the world in digital currency occurred on May 22, 2010, when a man from Florida agreed to exchange two pizzas ($ 25) for 10,000 Bitcoins, thus making May 22: "Bitcoin Pizza Day" marking the first economic transaction for cryptocurrency. Back then, Bitcoin was valued at four Bitcoins a cent. Since then, its value has multiplied exponentially. 

Bitcoin was a response to the Great Financial Crisis, which proved that even the largest banks in the world can fail. He stressed the fragility of the modern financial system and called for the decentralization of financial transactions.

While Nakamoto remains a mysterious figure, his goal of creating cryptocurrency, in itself, has never been a mystery. In e few words, he created it to take back financial control from the financial elites, giving ordinary people the ability to take part in a decentralized financial system.



Receive and send international transactions:

Those who work in the export area know how tedious and difficult the international payment process is. Using bitcoins means that there is no difference between receiving payment from a local customer or from a customer who is 5,000 km away.

Having a bitcoin payment processor allows you to access new, unexplored markets. For example, it is difficult to trade with Iran, Russia, or other countries under a banking embargo or with other countries without special banking infrastructures. While with bitcoin all countries are under the same monetary and technological system.

Suddenly, new markets and new customers open up that were previously unreachable due to banking barriers.


When it comes to transferring money, transparency of information is always a priority. With blockchain technology, all final transactions become available to the public only after they have been approved by the network. However, if all transactions are available to everyone, your personal information is hidden. This means that, even if your wallet address is visible, your data is not. This makes it impossible for cryptocurrency to be manipulated in any way by any person, organization, or government. 


All cryptocurrencies allow their users to have full control and maximum security of their transactions, in fact, thanks to the digital wallet, the transitions remain hidden, and this helps protect users from identity theft.


Another feature of Bitcoin is that it guarantees merchants less risk since transactions do not carry personal data, cannot be canceled, and are safe. Sellers are therefore more protected from losses that could arise from possible fraud by allowing sellers to carry out their business in complete safety.


Another advantage of digital money is the low fees on various transactions. However, there may be fees to ensure that the transaction is prioritized. Unlike current electronic systems, in the Bitcoin system, the recipient of payments does not have to pay anything.

For any doubts contact us, the CleanAir Europe and Bitcoin People team are always available to answer all your questions about the Bitcoin world and the Blockchain.


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